While much has been written about how to treat premature ejaculation, very little attention has been given to the unintended consequences of treating premature ejaculation with alcohol and illegal drugs.
Premature ejaculation is when a man ejaculates after minimal or no stimulation and before or shortly after penetration.  * The worldwide average for men is that they ejaculate after about 3-7 minutes of vaginal penetration.   * Most men with premature ejaculation complain that they ejaculate in the first 1-2 minutes after penetration.
Men love to ejaculate but they don’t want to do it quickly.  Men want to have a more prolonged period of sexual intercourse, for both their own and their partner's satisfaction.  Just about all men will lose their erection after they ejaculate and that also ends both their and their partner's pleasure.
Teenage and young adult men usually do not have very good control over when they ejaculate. *  It doesn't take long for young men to discover that they last a lot longer after 2 or 3 drinks.  On the surface this sounds like a win win situation; catch a buzz and last longer.  Not so fast. There are numerous problems with using alcohol to control ejaculation.  While the young men usually still get a good erection after a few drinks, this is sometimes not the case with men in their forties and fifties.  Older men often have weaker erections after a few drinks.  And older men who have a chronic alcohol problem often have erection problems.  After many years of using alcohol to control ejaculation, most men find that it takes more and more alcohol to be only partially effective.  And this is the biggest problem.  I have treated hundreds of men who have an alcohol problem.  And while there are many paths to becoming an alcoholic, I have seen more and more men who have told me that they started to drink to control their ejaculation and it just got out of control.  Alcoholics can have countless medical problems, trouble keeping a job and earning a living, are often abusive to their families and are generally unhappy with their lives.  Good sex is important, but the price of alcoholism is too great.

Men don’t start out using narcotics to control ejaculation. But those men who are already improperly using any one of a number of narcotics (codeine, Percocet, heroin, morphine, methadone, cocaine, cannabis, oxycodone, fentanyl, etc) quickly discover that they have better ejaculatory control while under the influence of these drugs.  It is my fear that countless men who would have otherwise not used narcotics are not able to free themselves of this destructive habit because of their desire and need to have better ejaculatory control.  It is particularly difficult for drug users to not use narcotics because men who are no longer using them often find their ejaculatory control is even worse than before they started using the drugs.  Narcotics create a dependency in the traditional way in that they are addictive, but also in the sense that men become accustomed to the improved ejaculatory control.  Eventually narcotics, may not only cause erectile dysfunction but will not control ejaculation.  A horrible lose lose situation. 

Men who regularly use narcotics, including cannabis are often not productive members of society.  Many of them either don’t work or can't keep a job, are poorly motivated and have a much higher incidence of criminal activity and medical problems.  Many of them are often dependent on others or society to care for them.  A horrible situation.  While it can be debated exactly what role premature ejaculation plays in narcotic use, any role is unacceptable.

It is not easy to treat premature ejaculation.  Many doctors disagree on how to treat premature ejaculation or even on whether to treat it at all.  Some medically supervised methods are more effective than others and some of these treatments have unintended side effects.  But most physicians agrees that the use of alcohol or narcotics to treat premature ejaculation is a disaster.

*  While we will certainly try to help all of our patients, as with any medical treatment, there is no guarantee of specific results, as results can and usually do vary from patient to patient. All numbers and time frames mentioned are approximate and may vary from patient to patient.




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