Excessive body fat is extremely unhealthy and has a higher risk of morbidity and mortality.  Eating less is very difficult, because eating is enjoyable.  People love to eat.  The problem is that many people live to eat instead of eating to live.  The easiest and most effective way to lose weight and keep it off is to eat a little less and exercise more.  It really is that simple.  Caloric restriction has been shown to increase the lifespan of some animals.


Of all of the current modalities of treatment and possible interventions of anti-aging medicine, caloric restriction seems to have the greatest potential to delay aging.  And it is the only intervention that has actually been proven in animal studies, to delay the rate of aging.  But just because caloric restriction seems to delay aging in mice and dogs, it does not mean that it will do so in humans.

Caloric restriction is just what it sounds like; decreased caloric intake while making sure that a nutritionally balanced diet provides for a normal amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

There are many philosophies on how to accomplish caloric restriction.  Some restrict protein, some restrict all foods, and still others restrict just carbohydrates.  Many suggest intermittent fasting.

It is hypothesized that caloric restriction will guard against atherosclerosis and decrease the chances of developing some age related diseases.  Others feel that the same goal can be accomplished by just living a healthy life.  Men, who are already at a healthy weight for their body type, seem to benefit less from caloric restriction.

Caloric restriction is not easy.  Many people trying caloric restriction say there are always hungry, are anxious and have less energy and exercise less.  Some people describe a decreased sex drive.  Caloric restriction can also cause infertility.  

Some people who have tried caloric restriction feel that even if it did add extra years to their life, that the years would not be a life that they would want to live.

One thing that almost all physicians and researchers agree on is that a high caloric diet is unhealthy and decreases one's lifespan.  Excess body fat is clearly associated with greater morbidity and mortality.  Whether or not the reverse is true is a matter of some debate.

We advocate a nutritionally optimized, balanced, calorically appropriate diet.  The acronym for this is CRAN - calorie restriction with adequate nutrition.

The men who seem do derive the most benefit from CRAN are those who are obese or substantially overweight.

We encourage you to allow us to devise a plan to maximize your health.  We will not suggest starving you and the decision will probably change your life.

The choice is yours!


Weight reduction through caloric restriction is the simplest way to make a major impact on your life



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